About Us

The operational overview of Our Company’s business segments highlights the operational aspects of the activities in 2022. As an integrated agro-business Our Company operates the business of oil palm plantation and the production of palm oil and derivatives; oleochemicals processing; and rubber plantation and the processing of natural rubber products and derivatives.

In 2022, Our Company owned and/or managed oil palm and rubber plantations with a total planted area of 67,591 Ha, 0.18% lower than 67,714 Ha in 2021, primarily due to the decrease in the areas for immature plantations.

As recorded on 31 December 2022, Our Company operated 5 (five) palm oil processing plants, 3 (three) natural rubber processing plants and 1 (one) processing plant in the Oleochemicals segment.

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Innovation for Better Plantation

PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk which is doing a JV collaboration with its business partner, ASD Costa Rica to establish PT ASD-Bakrie Oil Palm Seed Indonesia (ASD-Bakrie) in order to develop the latest high quality palm varieties which are adapted to local conditions. Formed in 2008, PT ASD-Bakrie Oil Palm Seed Indonesia has been established to expand their production quantity until 20 million seeds per year. ASD-Bakrie is now principally engaged in research, plant breeding, seed production and processing sales and marketing of oil palm seed. ASD-Bakrie promotes greater financial return and opportunity among partners by enabling them to develop, manage and maximize yields of their oil palm plantation.

Planted Palm and Rubber Plantation Area
Ikon Sawit
67,591 Ha
Area of Operations
Ikon Sawit
Ikon Sawit
Total Employees
Ikon Orang
7,412 people

Production Capacity

Kuala Tanjung 973,500 MT/year
Plant Capacity
Fatty Acid Plant 1 99,000
Fatty Acid Plant 2 (FSC 2) 82,500
Fatty Alcohol Plant 1 33,000
Fatty Alcohol Plant 2 99,000
Palm Oil Refinery Plant 495,000
Kernel Crushing Plant 165,000
Sumatera Utara 90 Ton/hour
Sumatera Barat 60 Ton/hour
Jambi 90 Ton/hour
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Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

We committed towards the 3P Principles: People, Planet, Profit. Our Company prioritizes the enhancement of contribution to the economic environment which provides sustainable benefits, implements community development through the enhancement of the land’s added-values, minimizes the ecological footprint in its growth, and contributes significantly to the preservation of the environment; in line with the efforts to maintain business sustainability. In relation to environmental management, Our Company minimizes green house gas emissions and waste water; prioritizes acquisitions over land clearance; and applies the zero burning principle consistently.

ISPO RSPO SIK3 ISO 9001 2015 ISO 14001 2015 SNI PROPER

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